about us
life transformed
mission statement
Who we are
We see ourselves as a social missionary living and service fellowship. Through the combination of community and diaconal work we want to bring the people from the sovial hotspot “Roter Berg” in Erfurt into contact with Jesus. Therefore it is also important for us not only to work here, but also to live here.
Our mission
Our mission is essentially to shape everyday life within the community and with the people in our residential area. This is done by working and eating together in our ministry centre “ANDERS”, by spiritual offers and by partnering with others to positively shape the district.
Our actions are based on personal faith in Jesus Christ and the Bible.
Our goal
We want people to get to know Jesus, to experience change and to experience sustainable community.
“In particular, the fact that local residents who are struggling with alcohol problems, among other things. Receiving support and meaningful employment through the Jesus Project is a great help in the social work of the district. Presentations like the recently accomplished photo project “the beautiful side of the Roter Berg” shows all interested citizens beautiful pictures of their residential quarter. It represents at the same time in addition, that the work of the Jesus project Erfurt is in fact recognized by the young people of the residential area.
The charity run, initiated by the Jesus project a few years ago, has become an integral part of our district and is positively perceived by the local residents.
I would like to thank Mr. Michael Flügge in particular for his voluntary work as spokesman for the culture working group of the Roter Berg district, which he also carries out in addition to his normal work. Culture in the districts lives and dies with people who fill it with. Together, we are proud of what we have created when we look back on the past years. Mr Flügge and the Jesus Project have a big part in it.”
“Jesus has always taken care of the people on the margins of society and the staff of the Jesus Project follow this example. I would like to support their commitment”.
“For years the employees of the association Jesus-Projekt Erfurt have been living and working in the social hotspot Roter Berg. They focus on socially weak and addicted people. In addition to the socio-educational work on individual people, it is also important for the Jesus Project to participate in the cultural, political and social development in the district. For this reason, the association has been running the ANDERS meeting centre in the residential area for six years. Here different offers are made.
There is a regular lunch for those in need. I myself have already cooked here and found out that the ANDERS is really well received by the local people. In addition, various cultural events, seminars, lectures and training courses for all age and social groups take place in the ANDERS meeting centre.
I would be very pleased if I have sparked your interest in the work of the association ‘Jesus-Projekt Erfurt e.V.’ and if you would accompany it benevolently”.
From the very beginning it was important to us to establish contact with local congregations, offices and initiatives and to seek cooperation. For this reason we are regionally and nationally networked in the secular as well as in the Christian area.
We see ourselves as a Christian initiative, oriented towards the example of Jesus Christ, who accepted and loved people regardless of age, gender and social status. Important to us are people in need who can experience a “home” through us.
Diakonie Mitteldeutschland
As a member of the Diakonie umbrella organisation, we identify ourselves with the common diaconal mission: “Service to those in need” and the “charity that works with it”.
Evangelical Alliance Erfurt
We belong to the Evangelical Alliance and see ourselves as part of the local church of Jesus Christ.
Netzwerk Gemeinde Erfurt e.V.
The Netzwerk Gemeinde Erfurt e.V. is a supporting local cooperation partner, which in turn is part of the Bund Freikirchlicher Pfingstgemeinden.
City Council Erfurt
bärenstark Erfurt is recognised by the Erfurt City Council’s Youth Welfare Committee as an independent provider of child and youth welfare services. In addition, we attach particular importance to good relations with all social institutions and authorities in our city.
Stadtjugendring Erfurt
Together with 37 other organisations we are a member of the Stadtjugendring Erfurt and participate in the social life of the city.
Jumpers Netzwerk
We belong to the Germany-wide Christian Jumpers Network, which has set itself the goal of helping children, young people and families in the long term, alongside 69 other organisations such as Die Arche – Christliches Kinder- und Jugendwerk e.V., Stoffwechsel e.V. in Dresden or Seehaus e.V. in Leipzig and Leonberg.
Aktion Mensch
Since 2017 we have received institutional project funding through the Aktion Mensch-Lotterie in the area of child and youth welfare.
Evangelische Kirche Mitteldeutschland
As an exemplary testing room of the Evangelical Church of Central Germany, we are institutionally supported over a project period of five years.
Arbeitsgemeinschaft Christlicher Lebenshilfen
Die Mitgliedschaft bei ACL-Deutschland ermöglicht uns u.a. die adäquate Vermittlung Hilfesuchender in geeignete Therapie- und Nachsorgezentren.
“Without our network partners and the constant support we receive from them, the Jesus Project would not be where it is today. We are happy and grateful to have some organizations at our side from the very beginning, but also to always find new partners”.