
lives transformed


Go. Meet. Help.

We are the contact for people in need, we create a place for community, and be able to grant and offer a holistic help.

We have the desire and passion to reach out to the people in need, by not looking away, but been able to meet them in their deepest need and circumstances. We encourage living life to the fullest, using their various potentials, tackling their problem, and giving them hope and purpose. But they can also be encouragers to themselves, others and be able to pass on the love and appreciation to others through their gifting.

See our services here.



The mission of our street outreach is to be able to intentionally reach out to people in need, while we keep an eye open to those ready to accept the invitation. We intentionally visit people in need at home, in hospitals, and detoxification centres for alcohol and drug addicts and often those in prisons. No matter where a life is and how broken a life seems- we want to be a beacon of hope in that life.

We also help with practical things for those in need such as cleaning, shopping, and looking after the pets.

We go here:

  • To the public places on the red mountain
  • Intentionally contacting people in need of help over the age of 18
  • Home visits to the lonely, sick, and needy
  • Creative street services in the residential areas
  • Visiting services in the hospital, prison and the elderly homes



email:                            or telephone:  0361 78981173 to get in contact with our streetwork-team

to our services



With our wide range of offers and services, we bring people out of isolation and enable them to connect and fellowship with others. Through joint leisure activities, excursions, rounds of talks and coffee meetings, personal encounters are bridged, and relationships are developed and cultivated. It is our top priority to MEET people with appreciation and acceptance, to convey to them that their personality is valuable, important, welcome and they are accepted.

You can MEET us and others here



We give help:

  • Maintain contacts and relationships (telephone calls, walks, postcards).
  • Help in crisis (going to the authorities, doctor appointments, housing matters and debt, terminal care).
  • Mediation (to our day care centre, to therapeutic facilities)


to our services



“‘’ What does a starfish have in common with street work on the Red Mountain?’

After a storm, thousands of starfish lie on the beach. A man picks them up one by one and throws them back into the sea. ‘’ You will never manage to throw all the starfish back into the sea,’’ says a passer-by, shaking his head. ‘’That’s right,’’ says the man, bends down, picks one up and when he throws it back out into the sea, he says in a firm voice: ‘’But it was worth it for this one!’’


Bernhards Story

“It can’t hurt, I thought to myself – Bernhard, 58 years old, suffering from cancer, two years ago – when after the diagnosis, in my desperation, I gathered all my courage and simply asked God (with whom I really had nothing to do until then): ‘Why me? What did I do to make you punish me? At that moment God let my life pass me by like in a movie, which until then was anything but Christian. I had also done my father wrong. Suddenly I heard myself say: ‘Forgive me Papa! Immediately I fell asleep peacefully. A short time later I got to know the Jesus project, step by step I came closer to Jesus. I met Andreas Grund at lunch at ANDERS. He visited me at home and helped me to make a personal decision for Jesus. Since that day my fears of death have disappeared because I know that when the time is up here, I am in good hands with Him. It is a great joy for me to bring the words of God closer to others. For the future I wish for some miracles: liberation from smoking and healing of my lungs”.

Bernhard Busch

Bernhard Busch

At the beginning of February 2021, we lost our brother and friend Bernhard Busch. We are very grateful to have been able to serve him and shared beautiful moments and memories together.

In loving memory of Bernhard Busch


to bernhard’s tribute




Out of the place, out into the country. We are on the road to see beautiful things and experience culture, there is something for everyone. Of course, there is also coffee and cake, which should not be missing. To the question, “What do you particularly appreciate about our tour?”, comes out of one mouth: “The togetherness.”

read more


Wouldn’t it be nice to meet other people in old age and be active together? This is exactly what the AGATHE programme aims to achieve.

read more

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We are happy to send you a postcard home on a regular basis and encourage you with words and kind regards.

we would like to get in touch with you, though a call, talk about life and encourage each other.

We are also happy to come by for a home visit or can arrange for us to go for a walk to talk to each other.

We are also happy to support you practically in everyday life, shopping, cleaning or filling out applications.

Follow the Jesus Project Erfurt on YouTube and watch the primetime or Anders-at-home videos.

Monitor Tablet


No internet access or device? We’ll lend you a tablet so you can follow our offers from home.

Let us know how we can help you and contact us by Email 

or Telephone on



You are good at listening? Practically helping out? Do you like cake & coffee? Do you have a heart for people in need?

Then become an encourager at the Red Mountain Erfurt!

We are always happy about motivated employees, interns and volunteers who want to invest in people together with us and give them community and time. If you are interested in becoming part of our encouragement team on the Red Mountain, you can find more detailed information here.

an wenden.


Do you care about the lonely and elderly people on the Red Mountain? Would you like to strengthen personalities and thus help shape a sustainable change in the north of Erfurt? We look forward to your financial support.


Jesus Project Erfurt e.V.

Sparkasse Mittelthüringen


IBAN: DE93 8205 1000 0600 1006 00

Purpose: Street work

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