Jesus-Projekt Erfurt



Claudia Russ


Number of pieces

lives transformed

Donation campaign – Christmas to go

It all started with the joking remark of a co-worker in the creative workshop. After we had built an oversized wooden Christmas crib for our day-care centre last year, she said, “Now we just need a miniature version to take home – in a matchbox.”

Matthias from the wood workshop didn’t need to be told twice and disappeared without further ado between the wooden boards and the scroll saw. Only a short time later, he reappeared beaming with joy with the first draft of a miniature candle arch in Nativity design. Thus, the idea of “Christmas to go” was born.

The response from buyers was bombastic, so that the saw is currently not standing still, and we are already working with four people in the creative workshops to produce at least 750 pieces of these wonderful miniature nativity scenes for the pre-Christmas season.

#small gesture for colleagues

#nice gift for neighbours & friends

#beautiful memory for families

#Attention for customers

#Door opener for conversations

#Time out for the stressed

Christmas to go – Experience Christmas with all your senses

See: A lovingly sawed out small wooden candle arch with the motif “Christmas crib”, which accompanies you through the Advent season.

Hearing: The Christmas story printed on a scroll. Read it to yourself or your loved ones and marvel anew at the wonder of Christmas….

Smell: A scented candle with a Christmas scent that will provide contemplative hours, peace and relaxation.

Taste: A small chocolate wrapped in glitter paper that reminds you of the gift that came into the world with the birth of Jesus.

Feel: All the details are carefully packed in a Christmas decorated matchbox (11x 6,5 cm) as a gift.


Spende für Christmas to go

With your donation you invest indirectly in the lives of our participants and support 100% the work of our day care center, which is largely financed by donations.
For a Christmas to go we ask for a donation from 14,50€.
From 10 pieces the article value is 12,50€.

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