Talennt factory Erfurt 2021-22
Now it’s that time again. After the success and positive feedback of our first CD 2020, there is a new project:
“The talent factory”.
We have searched, found and promoted artists and young talents with potential and now present a selection of successful own and covered titles.

Young talents
Emil, Adrian and Leni make the beginning. They present us with their favorite songs.
With Björn Sauer we were able to win a well-known Erfurt artist. After a long forced break, Björn has recorded a new and previously unreleased song with the children of the “Quatschband Sonnenschein”, exclusively for our project. The song spreads a lot of Helge Schneider flair and the chorus is the ultimate tongue twister with earworm character.
Ivan Stankovic and the network community band contribute two atmospheric worship songs with a great voice and soulful instrumental accompaniment. The band can also be experienced regularly on Sundays at 10 hrs in the divine service of the Network Congregation Erfurt.

The Erfurt band Stromer concludes the event. As part of the project, interesting musical guests were invited again. “Waiting for the Sun” exudes a sunny West Coast pop feeling in the style of the Eagles thanks to the polyphonic singing of the Eichsfeld Sisters. Rocking to the point is in the “Schachcafè”. And no: The singer here is not Ozzy Osbourne, but M.A.M.B. Werner – so his pseudonym. We don’t reveal his identity here, just this much: an Erfurt original. The songs of the talent factory were produced by Stefan Rady. We hope that there is something for everyone and wish you a lot of fun listening to the songs!
Fun facts about talent factory 2021
Songs created
O-Töne von TeilnehmerInnen
“Tausend Dank. Ganz große Klasse. Danke daß Ihr Ihr das ermöglicht habt.” – Silke Mutti von Emil 9 Jahre
“Ist ja krass. Das ist richtig gut gesungen, da muß man fast nichts nacharbeiten” – Stefan, Produzent Ground Control Studio
“Der Song ist richtig gut geworden, ein richtiger Ohrwurm” – Teilnehmerin
“Cool dass Ihr den Song parat habt” – Adrian, Teilnehmer
“Danke Reinhard dass Du das ermöglicht hast und ich mit meiner Band dabei sein konnte” – Ivan Sänger und Pianist aus Erfurt
“Danke daß ich bei Euch mitmachen durfte. Daß war für mich eine ganz neue Erfahrung. Ich war vorher total aufgeregt.”
-Roland, Gitarrist und Teilnehmer
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