girls club

contact for
girls club (1st – 3rd grade)

Julia Zajonc

lives transformed

girls club

In our small group work more intensive activities and conversations about faith and values are possible. The children get to know reliable relationships and commitment and thus expand their social skills.

childrens church

childrens church

Kirche und Gottesdienst kennen lernen: Sonntags geht es zusammen mit Kindern und Eltern in die Netzwerk Gemeinde Erfurt. Danach steht ein leckeres gemeinsames Mittagessen auf dem Plan.

music lessons

music lessons

The focus here is on promoting talented musical children: whether guitar or piano lessons, children should be able to develop their gifts.

bärenstarke parents

bärenstarke parents

The family is the most formative authority for children. We want to enable families to experience joint activities, strengthen parents in their parenting skills and be contact persons for them.

Holiday trips

Holiday trips

Get out of your home! With leisure activities, tent camps or family recreation, we make it possible for many children and their families to enjoy the first holiday of their lives.

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