life transformed
mentoring programme
In our mentoring programme, mentors accompany a child for at least a year. The meetings should take place regularly once a week. Here, mentors and mentees undertake various activities together, ranging from baking cakes, parlour games, visiting the swimming pool to a walk in the park. The children learn personal, social and everyday skills and broaden their horizons. Many of these activities are undertaken by the children for the first time in their lives. Learning from a role model, a person with more life experience, combined with their own trial and error, offers not only the opportunity to learn for life, but also to mature as a personality.
Training, supervision and case discussions help and motivate the volunteer mentors.
You would like to become a mentor? Get in touch with us!
Du bist Mentor und möchtest deine Unkosten erstattet bekommen, dann findest du das Formular dazu hier.
bärenstarke parents
The family is the most formative authority for children. We want to enable families to experience joint activities, strengthen parents in their parenting skills and be contact persons for them.
Holiday trips
Get out of your home! With leisure activities, tent camps or family recreation, we make it possible for many children and their families to enjoy the first holiday of their lives.
Talent Factory erfurt
We have searched, found and promoted artists and young talents with potential and now present a selection of successful own and covered titles
Wouldn’t it be nice to meet other people in old age and be active together? This is exactly what the AGATHE programme aims to achieve.