mobile kids ministry

contact for
mobile kids ministry

Julia Zajonc

life transformed

our mobile kids ministry

The newest offer from bärenstark. After almost two years of planning, the time has come: Since October 2017 we have been driving our brand new converted sales trailer plus Multicar directly to where the children are – to the public places in our district.

At the latest, when the cowbell rings, the kids know that we are there. Because then they have time to play one of the many games that there are in the play mobile: Football, Viking chess, skipping rope jumping or hiding etc.. Or they use the built-in seating area and table to play Dr. Biber, Lotti Karotti, UNO or for painting and handicrafts. Sometimes they just want to talk to one of our employees in peace.

A highlight is our break with integrated puppet theatre. Bird Bertie tells us about his life, about the ups and downs, about his wisdom, the Bible and the tricks he likes to play. After the cookie and drinking break we continue with an open game time.



News from the mobile kids ministry

Despite the curfew, we want to stay in touch with our children and families as much as possible.You have the opportunity to watch awesome video clips and get game ideas via social media. Just have a look at the different channels:

  • Follow Bruno on Facebook
  • Episode bearish Erfurt on Instagram
  • or contact Julia at: +49 176 7113 7763 to be included in the bärenstark broadcast

Stay healthy.




more news

We got a new van for the kids ministry! We thank all supporters for their professional and financial help. With this vehicle we will drive over the Roter Berg district again as soon as possible.




during winter season


summer season


parents ministry

parents ministry

The family is the most formative instance for children. We want to enable families to experience joint activities, strengthen parents in their parenting skills and be contact persons for them.

childrens church

childrens church

Kirche und Gottesdienst kennen lernen: Sonntags geht es zusammen mit Kindern und Eltern in die Netzwerk Gemeinde Erfurt. Danach steht ein leckeres gemeinsames Mittagessen auf dem Plan.

bärenstarke parents

bärenstarke parents

The family is the most formative authority for children. We want to enable families to experience joint activities, strengthen parents in their parenting skills and be contact persons for them.

Holiday trips

Holiday trips

Get out of your home! With leisure activities, tent camps or family recreation, we make it possible for many children and their families to enjoy the first holiday of their lives.

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