lives transformed

“Families are often called the backbone of our society, and children our future. If that’s true, then the best thing we can do is support families and provide children with a future perspective. Our children’s and family center, bärenstark, is meant to be a place where exactly that happens.”

Manuela Schiller, head of bärenstark Erfurt


bärenstark Erfurt is an initiative for family education/support and open child and youth services. Based on a Christian view of humanity, we aim to support children, strengthen families, and connect them with the church.

We work in a prefabricated housing area and social hotspot, the Roter Berg. Here, unemployment rates, school dropout rates, and youth crime are high.

Through our programs, we seek to improve the participation opportunities of children and families and provide them with life and career prospects.


bärenstark Erfurt

… welcomes families and children, including those with disabilities

… fosters integration

… is active on playgrounds

… ensures no boredom during school holidays

… offers guidance to parents on family and parenting matters

… enhances parenting skills

… provides undivided attention through mentoring

… creates delicious meals in the cooking project

… promotes collaborative learning in small groups

… connects families with the church

Our offers of bärenstark Erfurt

bärenstarke Football trip

bärenstarke Football trip

In the 4th week of the summer holidays, our football-loving kids went to Munich for the Audi Cup in the Allianz Arena. A unique experience!

bärenstarke parents

bärenstarke parents

The family is the most formative authority for children. We want to enable families to experience joint activities, strengthen parents in their parenting skills and be contact persons for them.

Holiday trips

Holiday trips

Get out of your home! With leisure activities, tent camps or family recreation, we make it possible for many children and their families to enjoy the first holiday of their lives.

Talent Factory erfurt

Talent Factory erfurt

We have searched, found and promoted artists and young talents with potential and now present a selection of successful own and covered titles

girls club

girls club

In our small group work more intensive activities and conversations about faith and values are possible. The children get to know reliable relationships and commitment and thus expand their social skills.

outdoor kids offer

outdoor kids offer

Bonfires, grilling, knotting techniques and many other nature experiences: Here the kids can try themselves out and at the same time train responsibility and reliability. Conversations about God and the world broaden the horizon.

parents ministry

parents ministry

The family is the most formative instance for children. We want to enable families to experience joint activities, strengthen parents in their parenting skills and be contact persons for them.

childrens church

childrens church

Kirche und Gottesdienst kennen lernen: Sonntags geht es zusammen mit Kindern und Eltern in die Netzwerk Gemeinde Erfurt. Danach steht ein leckeres gemeinsames Mittagessen auf dem Plan.

music lessons

music lessons

The focus here is on promoting talented musical children: whether guitar or piano lessons, children should be able to develop their gifts.

Events of Bärenstark

Working for bärenstark

We are looking for motivated and capable employees, interns and volunteers, who together with us can shape the future of our ministry. If you are interested in becoming part of our great “bear-strong” team, you will find more detailed information here If you have any questions, please contact directly.

Donation for Bärenstark

Do you care about children in social hotspots? Do you want to strengthen families and thus help shape a sustainable change in the north of Erfurt? We are happy about your financial support.

Jesus-Projekt Erfurt e.V.
Sparkasse Mittelthüringen
IBAN: DE93 8205 1000 0600 1006 00
purpose of use: bärenstark Erfurt

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